That's a good question what is time management ? Well according to wikipedia time management means is the process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities. As for me time management is simply avoiding me from getting bad grade but actually it does have many advantages that we don't know. Some students like myself have problem managing our own time and we even don't know where to start. We often wasting time with something else as a result we study last minute as well as assignment. Here is where I share to you guys about how to manage our time wisely.

5 strategies for your study systems 

These strategies is just around us and we usually ignored them thinking they have no use to us or we just never acknowledge them. 

- Semester Calendar 
     This calendar is usally be found in your official university website as for uitm students here is the         link ; https://hea.uitm.edu.my/v1/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=72&Itemid=70

- Weekly schedule 
     If you're using android try using an app google calendar you can use it as weekly planner, daily             planner and month planner 

- Daily planner 
      If you're using android smartphone like I do, we can use reminder or keep power by Google for           daily and monthly.  

- Balance academic vs personal life 

   This list can help you organized which task that you need to finish first and that can do later so,          won't be late submitting your assignment. It's not just for academic but it can be use for personal        life too like jotting down that your shampoo is running out so, your life will be organized too.

- Avoid procrastination 
    What is procrastination ? It is an act putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be     done. How you ask to avoid this ? I know how hard this but look on the bright I got a few tips how     to stop this. Write down your goal and set a deadline yourself. Without a deadline can be put               indefinitely. Another way is reward yourself after finishing your assignment or your exam pamper       yourself with some shopping or like my lecture did he bought a book and wrap it nicely until he         finish his master he finally get to open that present.  


What do you get by following all of these ? A lot actually don't believe me well let list a few of the benefits the rest you can know when you use this advice. 

  • Keep you on schedule 
  • Reduce stress~ no more stress night finishing you assignment for tomorrow.
  • Complete work without stress ~ you heard me we will do our assignment more leisurely 
  • Build up your confidence 
That's all from me now see you guys when I see you 
" Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think " -Albert Einstein 

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